Friday, January 1, 2010

Kopi Luwak also known as Civet Coffee

After we go through our current coffees, I want to try these two next

Kopi Luwak also known as Civet Coffee



Weasel Puke Coffee

Unique Vietnamese coffee - actually eaten and regurgitated by a weasel - with a rich chocolaty flavor

There's a little animal in Vietnam which has magical properties. Locally, it's called a weasel (though technically, it's a type of civet, but let's call it a weasel like the locals) and it sure likes to eat the fruit of the coffee plant. But the seeds don't sit well in its tummy, so it vomits them up. And that's where the fun comes in - for local coffee folks gather up the beans and lightly roast them. The stomach acids seem to wear away the bitter taste of the coffee beans, and the resulting coffee is delicious and smooth.

Ok, right now you're probably thinking we're full of crap. But nothing we've written above is false. Weasel Puke Coffee really is made of beans thrown up by local Vietnamese weasels. And it really does give the coffee a different taste - a rich chocolaty flavor. Weasel Puke Coffee is truly a gourmet treat. And if the thought of drinking puked up coffee makes you throw up in your own mouth a little, then you are just the person to try this. Because puke makes the coffee better. Trust us.

Yes that's right we're going to compare civit puke to civit poop coffee

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